Another Day, Another U-Turn

Posted by on November 4, 2021 in politics |

Tory Sleaze, Again

Or, Another misjudgement by Boris (Blunder) Johnson

It seems that the sleaze fest that is the Tories rumbles on with misjudgement adding to their woes. People objected when the Tories tried to let off one of their own who was found guilty of an “egregious” breach of lobbying rules. What a surprise. It would seem that some people (everyone apart from Boris (Blunder) Johnson) thinks that having a jury consisting of Blunder’s friends, presided over by one of Blunder’s friends, ruling on Blunder’s friends is not a good idea.

Who’d have thought? That one came out of the blue didn’t it?

Jacob Rees-Mogg Announces a “Re-think”

For “Re-think” read, climb down. If you are going to be corrupt and mired in sleaze the least that you owe your corrupt pals is that you do it well. Blunder Johnson just can not get anything right. He has no ability to think things through. If he had he would not have bought water cannons that could not be used. Would not have wasted millions on a garden bridge etc. etc. If he had any integrity he would not have avoided the vote on the third Heathrow runway by running away to Afghanistan.

Tory Sleaze

There is something reassuring that Blunder Johnson is so bad at being corrupt and incompetent. He will be found out. The trouble is that he has a large majority. It would take a number of Tory MPs of integrity to face him down. However tghere are not a number of such Tory MPs and they are cowed into silence.

God help us all.

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