Familly Tree

Posted by mail@phil-stuff.com on February 14, 2006 in Uncategorized |

A few weeks ago I was bored and idly messing about at home and came across a familly tree web site. For no other reason than having nothing better to do I started to fill ut my familly tree. Now, I have lost touch with my familly and so the entry was quite small. The day before yesterday I had an email.

Suddenly I have found 47 other ‘members’ of my familly! Some are distant relations by marriage but I now also have a great grandfather and mother. The chap sending the email to ask whether one of my ancestors couldbe linked to his turns out to be my second cousin, although I have never really understood that stuff.

I now also realise that he visited my auntie on the farm where she lived 40 years ago, as did I. He also knew that one of my aunties had died and met my sisters, who I have not seen for 15 years.

As they say, small world.

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