What Makes a Good Song?

Posted by mail@phil-stuff.com on June 16, 2008 in blues, Music, poetry, rock, song writing with Comments closed |

Some time ago I was going to write a piece for my website (realrockandblues.com) about good songwriters. I abandoned it when I became bogged down trying to define ‘a good song’. The trouble is that a good song can be good in-spite of the lyrics, melody, or any of the fundamentals. Some songs, particularly rock blues, have a basic format which serves them well, making the quality of the lyric writing less important. The lyrics merge into the overall sound and can often be ignored as words. The sound of the singer becomes another instrument in the overall mix.

When trying to dissect what makes a good song the quality of the lyric writing is less important than many believe. If you concentrate on the quality of the lyric writing the question quickly becomes is songwriter ‘A’ a better poet than songwriter ‘B’? There is some merit in asking this question but it misses the point about good songs. Why are some people able to create good songs while others produce pap?

I have no doubt hat Dylan is a good songwriter (and poet). Some of his lyrics are sublime. ‘You don’t have to be a Weatherman to know which way the wind blows’ is a line that works on more than one level. It has both a political and natural interpretation. His facility with words is, has been, impressive. However, that is not to say that all his songs are good, or even average. Leonard Cohen is a great poet. His songs? Well, when I was 17 and consumed by teenage angst, worrying about some girl, dreaming of things to come, angry at the state of the world, yes, they were great songs. Now, they are just turgid, to me. I am sure that there are some people who still like them, mainly teenagers wracked with angst etc.? Whether a song is good depends as much on the listener as anything else. However, that is another debate.

I began writing this on Saturday and today is Sunday. The Sunday Times has a review of an Aimee Mann release that said ‘If the stars were awarded purely for song writing, you would be reading a four star review right now. Aimee Mann’s standards rarely drop. The problem with @#%&*! Smiles, however, is that most of the songs are lost in bland and unchallenging arrangements….’ This is a professional critic confusing the quality of the poetry with the quality of the songs. The lyric is only part of the whole, bland arrangements can destroy potentially good songs.

No one would ever accuse the Glimmer Twins, Willie Dixon, Robert Johnson, Wreckless, T V Smith et al of being great poets. They did all make wonderful and evocative songs that have stood the test of time.

Good songs depend on making an emotional connection. They also depend on making a difference to the listener, a lasting difference. That is why blue moon and June songs do not do it for me. I want more. I do not want bland, unchallenging arrangements. If the lyrics are out in front of the mix I do not want humdrum. Neither do I want the sense that I am supposed to be in awe of the songwriter’s word craft. For me Chuck Berry’s ‘Coffee coloured cadillac’ beats all David Grey’s cleverness everytime.

What do I want from a song? Melody? Not necessarily. A driving beat? Sometimes. Clever lyrics? Not often. Give me something that grabs my attention. Something that keeps me guessing, starts me thinking, and is honest. I want a song or a piece of music to expand my experience, to change me.

So many things to say, so little importance..

Posted by mail@phil-stuff.com on May 21, 2008 in Uncategorized with Comments closed |

That sort of sums up my attitude to blogging. Some people use blogging as a way of making money, however some of us (I wish it was most of us) just use it as a release.

Friends have come back to me after the last couple of entries about depression, so I am pleased about that. I just hope that they will follow the links.

What I wanted to talk aout today was/is Lou Reed. Lou has been a part of my life for more than 40 years. The passage of time scares me. What scares me most is when a middle of the road radio station (Capital FM) plays Walk on the Wild Side mid afternoon without any discussion about the subject matter. I was at work in a warehouse (following my redundany I am now carrying boxes for a living) when the song came on. I stopped, both to listen to the music and to wonder why such a sleazy (I like sleazy) song would be played between songs by Heaven 17 and some other boy band.

It seems that WotWS is acceptable now as no one worries about the words in songs anymore. I am sorry but this song is about drugs, transvestites, sex for money, intolerance, and all manner of things. A commercial station with only 200 songs on the play list should either A) Play songs that have been requested. B) Play songs that are innofensive or C) Play songs that have a meaning and THEN TALK ABOUT THE PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE ISSUES IN THE SONGS…….

What the hell, I enjoyed listening to Lou for 6 minutes (yes, they did talk over the end of the track……)

My problem is that music is now being treated as a product. Music is not a product. It is (should be) about communication of emotion and thought and reflection about the human condition.


“Pull Yourself Together”

Posted by mail@phil-stuff.com on April 21, 2008 in Uncategorized |

The last post was one in which I spoke of depression, in my case brought on by a number of factors, not the least of which was the loss of my job. I have found another job, less money, worse hours (a late shift in a warehouse), but for the same company. The one that decided that they did not need 2 people working in the Health and safety department, well, there are only 400+ employees…….

Not unnaturally I looked at the Internet to see what I could find out about depression in men. After all, we men do not go to our doctors. I do not know why we do not use our GPs more but it is a fact that we do not. One site that I found useful was Depression and Suicide in Men If for no other reason that it did confirm that I am suffering from something other than feeling sorry for myself. Here are some of the tell tale signs;

pervasive low mood
loss of interest and enjoyment
reduced energy and diminished activity.

Other features can also be present, including:

poor concentration and attention
poor self-esteem or self-confidence
ideas of guilt and unworthiness
a bleak pessimistic view of the future
thinking about, planning, or attempting suicide
crying for no reason
disturbed sleep
poor appetite
decreased interest in sex

The recommendation from the site is that that if you have any of the symptoms you should talk to your doctor. If you have 3 or 4 symptoms and have thought about committing suicide you should talk to your doctor, urgently.

I certainly have a few of the symptoms. However, it seemed to me when I first read the list that everyone must qualify. It was not until I talked to a couple of male friends that I realised that they did not but I have on a number of occasions throughout my life. So, it seems that I have had several bouts of depression and come through them one way or another. I am sure that it will be the same this time. I have no desire to resort to medication, I have even cut down on my medicine of choice (whiskey).

I know that it will take a while but at least last weekend I was able to face going to have a meal with friends. For a number of weeks I have not been able to do that. I had been out for a social drink twice during the last month and had to leave very early because I could not stand the company of good friends.

If you are suffering from depression there are a number of pieces of advice I would offer. The main one is that the road to recovery is not straight. There will be times when you are feeling markedly better and then you may well slip back again. Talk to your partner, if you have one, they deserve to know what you are going through, so that they can help. It is not their fault if they tell you to pull yourself together if they do not know what is happening inside your head. Do seriously consider talking through your feelings with your GP or someone who you trust.

Above all, if you know anyone who seems to be displaying any of these symptoms then talk to them. You might just save their life.

Suicide or Fly Fishing?

Posted by mail@phil-stuff.com on April 15, 2008 in Uncategorized with Comments closed |

13th April 2008

A strange thing happened on the way to this blog. I was going to talk about the despair that leads towards thoughts of suicide. Instead of which I will be talking about fly fishing.

I got up today and the day was overcast, dry and warm. A good day for fly fishing. When I arrived at the lake which is only 8 to 10 miles from where I live, it was overcast, raining, and cold. I began with 3 flies, as always. There was a small black buzzer (size 14 – the only fly I can tie well) on the top, a larger buzzer on the middle dropper and a large, improbably fluorescent daddy on the point.

None of that means anything to anyone who does not fly fish, I realise. What it does mean is that I was using 3 flies and the fish were having none of it.

Fly fishing is a great leveller of people. You can have all the money in the world and the fish can still turn their noses up at you. I am not a good fly fisher. I have an elbow problem that makes distance casting difficult. One of the great sayings of fly fishing is that not all distance casters are great anglers, but all great anglers can cast a distance.

Anyway, suicide or flyfishing?

I was going to talk about suicide. Not the supercilious ‘here’s how to do it’ type of blog. It was going to be about the despair and depression that lead to thoughts of suicide. The black dog that lives in your soul. The one that I have seen and known recently. Life is hard. My life has been unravelling. Debts that I can not control, a job taken away because of the economic outlook, and my inability to talk to my partner about any of the issues. I feel worthless with a cold pit in my soul.

Why fly fishing today? It is simple. Fly fishing allows me to avoid and forget (for a while) my problems. Fly fishing is a sport of concentration, of luck, and ability. I lack all three, which is a shame.

The point of fly fishing is not to catch fish. The point is to teach humility. Think about it. You cast a hook dressed with feathers that hopefully looks like something a trout might want to eat. The angler tries to make the fish take the imitation fly. The trout look at it and turn away. You have to be humble in this game.

Casting a fly would be easy, if it weighed more that a piece of wool on the end of a 30 foot length of line. Unfortunately it doesn’t. The method is to make the line float in the air, to induce a whip into the line that takes that small fly out onto the water, just for the fish to ignore.

Today I got up at 6:00. I was awake at 4:00 my mind racing about my problems but by 7:00 I was beginning to think about fishing. That is one of the great things about fly fishing. You have to forget your problems. Only calm will do, it is very zen.

I arrived at the small lake at 8:00. It was calm. 2 other anglers were there, they had tackled up and were fishing. I walked along the bank to the spot I like. I laid out my landing net first, as I always do, then I put the rod together and threaded the line through the eyes. No talking, no outside thoughts, just looking at the water, where are the fish rising? This is the quiet time. The time to empty thoughts, to forget. This is the perfect time.

As soon as you begin to fish you lose. Take too many fish and it is too easy. Take none and it is a defeat. Take any and you still lose, unless to take one and immediately pack up your tackle, which is impossible. So you always lose. That is fitting. You spend your time and skill, the fish spend their lives, for you.

The mechanics of fly fishing are simple. You cast the fly, let it sink a bit and retrieve it. The actuality is different. The cast, did it land on the water without disturbing the fish? Let the fly sink to the depth that you think is where the fish are and then retrieve it, trying to make it look alive.

The angler has to forget everything, clear his mind. He can be there for 4 hours or more. He has to have his mind alert for a tug, a slight movement in the line. Then, if he does not react immediately the fish will spit out the cold taste of the hook.

I stood on the bank. I saw my first squirrel of the year. The squirrels that live in our garden have not made an appearance yet but here there was one jumping from tree to tree. The ducks flew in and swam over my line without catching on it, how do they do that? Chaffinches started a domestic argument raising a racket that would disturb the dead, but not the fish.

It begins to rain I cast. It rains some more and I cast again. I wonder about my flies. Should I change them? Perhaps flies with more colour, perhaps bigger would be better.

My hands become cold, red with the breeze and rain. My mind begins to play music. I can not clear my mind of songs. Captain Beefheart songs do not help with my fishing, but the Captain will not go away. he has been part of my life for 40 years, why should he go now? The line twitches, the fish is playing with me. I become aware, the line moves and I lift into a fish.

Another fish follows on the next cast. Then nothing for 2 hours. I go home.

Depression returns and I open a bottle of whiskey. But for 4 hours it was good.

Olympic Torch

Posted by mail@phil-stuff.com on April 8, 2008 in China, games, Olympics, politics, protesters with Comments closed |

Why is anyone surprised at the troubles surrounding the parade of the Olympic Torch round the world?

When China was given the Olympics they agreed to far reaching changes over theri attitude to human rights. At the time the politicians in the IOC said that by giving them the games China would have to change. Now that they have not the same IOC politicians say that athletics should play no part in politics.

The sad truth is that the Chinese had no intention of changing, the IOC knew that, the political leaders in the West knew that but no one really cares, as long as China is a valuable trading partner. That is why you will not catch Brown, Bush, Clinton, Obama etc. condeming the Chinese in other than the broadest terms. They will certainly not call for cultural or business boycotts.

Sometimes it is difficult to be proud of your country, no matter which country it is. This week I was proud to be British. Proud to see the protesters out on the streets.

So where is the Blues Podcast?

Posted by mail@phil-stuff.com on April 8, 2008 in blues, Health and Safety, Podcast, redundancy, rock with Comments closed |

A couple of people have asked me what has happened to the new blues podcast. That is heartening as I did not know that anyone listened to them. It is also quite depressing as time has obviously been passing me by.

So, where is the blues podcast? Basically it is sitting on the stairs in my house, well, the CDs are. What I need to do is to take them into my home studio and to do the do, as they say. However, more important issues are pressing. The main one being that I am to be made redundant. The prospect of no cash coming in as from mid April is scary, both for me and my bank manager, credit card providers, etc.

One good thing to come out of this bombshell (and it was a bombshell, no indication that the company may be about to ditch 50% of the Health and Safety team) is that I have started studying for a H & S qualification (NEBOSH General Certificate if you are interested). About time too, I have been avoiding studying to get on with the practical suff, reducing accidents at work, doing risk assessments and generally nagging the middle managers to take H & S seriously. It worked too. Only 1 accident in the last 35 days (best ever result since we began to keep records in 2004). The near misses are now being reported rather than ignored and I have just organised Health Promotion Days for the 400 people who work for the firm.

The result? The company is now able to delegate the responsibility for H & S to the same middle managers that I have been nagging for the last 18 months to get their acts together. An own goal if ever there was one.

With only 2 weeks left in the business I am tempted to take an afternoon off and to record the show. Trouble is, I feel this responsibility towards the workers and can not just walk away, not until 18th April anyway.

Just like buses

Posted by mail@phil-stuff.com on March 9, 2008 in blues, Music, Patti Smith, podcasts with Comments closed |

None for ages and then 2 come along at the same time………

The second Real Rock and Blues podcast is available at Real Rock and Blues – Show 2.

Patti, Wreckless, The Captain, loads of good people and not a Celine in Sight! Not much blues either but the next one will be a blues special!!

Give it a listen and let me know what you think by emailing me at ( realrockandblues.com).

Remember, keep music real, keep it alive!


Real Rock and Blues podcast!!

Posted by mail@phil-stuff.com on March 8, 2008 in A new start, Music, Podcast with Comments closed |

So it has been a while…………..

I wrote some time ago about Ribble Valley Radio. I had a show on the station playing what I like to call real rock and blues. I am afraid that RVR has gone the way of all flesh…… As a community radio station the biggest problem was always funding. In the first year we raised £26,000 and spent £21,000 of that on equipment and £5,000 paying the Performing Rights people and offcom for the licence. Finally, after 3 years the strain was too much and RVR folded.

We are in the process of starting a new station, but in the meantime……………

I have started a web site called realrockandblues.com. There is a lot of work to do, of course, it is amazing how much time a small web site can take up.

I thought that just writing about music would be enough, but it wasn’t. I really miss broadcasting! It really is the most fun that you can have with your clothes on! The solution? Podcasting! The first podcast is here Real Rock and Blues Show 1. A pretty natty title (Show 1) I think that you will agree. Why not give it a listen?

So What is Real Rock?

That is a really good question. Real rock, as I see it, is music (not necessarily ‘rock’) that poses questions. I hate music that could be played in a lift. Real music demands attention and thought. What I think I dislike is inoffensive music, and that varies from person to person. So, what you get here is my ‘real rock’ and that might not be yours, and that is fine. One of the great things about music is that it appeals to different people and means different things to different people.

Who makes Real Rock?

So many people; Lou Reed, Patti Smith, Tom Waits, Wreckless Eric, Roger Chapman, Crimzon, Nick Cave, Beefheart, Zappa, Zoot Horn Rollo, John Coltrane, Miles Davis. Anyone working with imagination and with honesty.

The list is almost endless.

Who does not make ‘real rock’?

Oasis, Kaiser Chiefs, any boy band, The Monkees, any girl band, anyone who thinks that they do, Bedingfield, Blunt, Grey etc. etc.

This is rather like the old definition of art. “I do not know what it is, but I know what I like.”

I hope you like what you hear, let me know.

All the best,


It’s Been a While……..

Posted by mail@phil-stuff.com on July 24, 2006 in Uncategorized with Comments closed |

since I wrote anything.

It has been a busy time, the RSL for Ribble Valley Radio has been and gone, the company I work for has been taken over (about time too), and the world has gone mad.

I usually think that people commenting on world events are somehow stupid. We have no influence on the politicians except at elections and then the choice is usually between Tweedledum and Tweedledumber. So what is the point in expressing any view? None whatsoever. However, I want to say that Israel has over reacted and is committing war crimes (under the agreed definition as their response to acts of aggression have been disproportionate and have targeted civilians).

Now, I have no idea how they should have targeted Hezbollah better. By being alongside the civilians Hezbollah have made any response difficult but the continued attacks on civilian targets is wrong. I understand that the aim is to disrupt the flow of munitions to the south of Lebanon. The consequence is only damaging to Israel’s standing in the world. The politicians (the UK and US ones at least) may stand by them but public opinion will not for any length of time.

The only way to get rid of Hezbollah is to stop the aggression, rebuild Lebanon and have a peace keeping force until the growth of wealth denies Hezbollah the natural support that it has at present and that the aggression is building for the future.

Think about it. If you lived in a country that has been pummelled by it neighbour (whatever the provocation) would you be more likely to accept the punishment meekly or be drawn towards the only effective organisation that could offer a way of striking back?

Case closed.

Ribble Valley Radio

Posted by mail@phil-stuff.com on April 11, 2006 in Uncategorized with Comments closed |

Some time ago I mentioned Ribble Valley Radio. It is a small community radio in a beautiful part of Lancashire in the North West of England. I am the secretary for the group and we broadcast on a temporary licence last year for 28 days. We plan to broadcast again this June.

The problem, of course, is money. To broadcast you need a studio and a licence. Last year we started fromn scratch and raised something like £27,000. We spent £26,000. £21,000 went on equipment and £5,000 on the 28 day licence and the Performing Rights fees. Fundraising is starting again in earnest now that our AGM is out of the way and some new blood has joined the committee. On Saturday, 15th April, we are holding an ‘eggstravaganza’ in the local community hall. Lots of stalls and games. It should prove to be fun and exciting for the local kids, with luck it will also boost our funds, with luck.

I have been involved in some community projects before and one thing that you have to accept is that the people that are also involved are volunteers. This means that they are enthusiatic, over optomistic and often take on more than they can guarantee to do. Take this event for example. Lots of good work has been done and the range of events is wonderful, from childrens’ fancy dress to roll a penny and splat the rat (whatever that is). However, the guy producing the posters has gone down sick, the number of people who volunteered to help has dwindled – after all families want to ‘do’ something over a long holiday weekend – and at the final co-ordination meeting last night there was an undercurrent of mild panic.

I have no doubt that this will prove to be a success, honest. This sense of unease is common on all the events I have been part of in the past, but for the newcomers it is unsettling. The main danger in running a community group is that because some people take on too much one or two individuals pick up the slack and run the risk of burn out.

I think that the point of this article is to say to anyone involved in a community project ‘don’t panic!’ Believe in the dream and keep plodding on. If the eggstravaganza is not a success we will try again with another fundraising event, we will reach our targets, we will be on air in June, then again in December.

Already more fundraisers are in the planning stage. We will have a balloon race with upto 5,000 balloons in July and (my favourite) at least 3 rock concerts featuring local bands, also in July. With each of those events there will be the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach as the doors open “will anyone come?” and after each event we will learn more and improve for the next time.

It does not matter what your interests are, get involved in your community.

Put something back!!

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