Politics – General Election 2015 – Labour and Big Business

Posted by mail@phil-stuff.com on February 4, 2015 in politics |

Labour Attacked by the Boss of Boots The Chemist

The Labour Party was attacked at the weekend by Stefano Pessina who is the Executive Chairman of Walgreens Boots Alliance which owns Boots The Chemist. He said that a Labour government would be bad for business and bad for the country. He said “If they (Labour) acted as they speak, it would be a catastrophe.”As he lives in Monaco, naturally, Labour has attacked him for being a tax exile. Presumably, they meant an Italian tax exile.

What seems to be happening is that whereas previous Labour leaders went out of their way to be nice to big business Milliband is not as concerned about the issue. As everyone thinks that big businesses spend most of their time avoiding, if not evading, tax perhaps Milliband relishes taking them on. More people are sceptical of the way businesses are run and try to evade their responsibilities. That could play well for the Labour Leader.

In the meantime the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph have criticised the Labour leader and that was “trying to shut down” criticism of his policies with “personal attacks” on critics. No surprise there, when they start supporting Labour that would be news. The former boss at Marks and Sparks, Lord Rose weighed in against labour’s business policies. As he is a Tory peer that is also not much of a surprise.

Peter Mendelson has warned the Labour leadership to be careful about the language it uses about its approach to big businesses. Along with various

What big business seems to dislike, amongst other things, is the pledge to raise the top rate of tax from 45p to 50p and the proposed freeze of electricity and gas bills. Anything that gets in the way of profits is a “Bad Thing”, obviously. Just like the minimum wage which was attacked by big business. All right thinking people know that what is required is less legislation and control over businesses.

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