Politics – The Save Dave Cameron Plan – General election 2015

Posted by mail@phil-stuff.com on March 1, 2015 in Uncategorized |

The Sunday Times Says That Senior Tories Want to Save Dave Cameron.


The story runs that despite all the public pronouncements about winning the General election outright a plan is being hatched to save Dave Cameron should he not win the general election.

In spite of a somewhat lack luster performance  by Miliband so far the Tories are worried.  So they should be with the polls close and them no where near the sort of popular support that would guarantee a victory.  Anything other than a straight forward Tory majority would be bad news for Dave Cameron.

He “won” last time against a hugely unpopular Prime Minister but still had to form a coalition to become Prime Minister.  Not to win out right this time against a weak leader of the opposition is unthinkable, if he wants to survive as the leader of the Tory party, and he does. Desperately.

George Osborne told his MPs that they would all be re-elected, but they do not believe him.  Apparently one minister is ready to call for Dave Cameron to fall on his sword if he does not win.  The knives are not out, but they are being sharpened.  There are mutterings that Dave Cameron and his cronies should be planning to win, not planning and escape route to save their jobs.

However, Dave Cameron has a crafty wheeze up his sleeve. Should he lead the largest party, but without a majority, it seems as if he will try form a government without a coalition.  The thinking is that there will be about 20 ministerial and government posts available to hand out after the general election in 2015.  Those belong to the Liberal Democrats at the moment.  20 posts would make for a lot of goodwill from power hungry Tory MPs.

The other scenario has Labour as the largest party.  A coalition with the Liberal Democrats would be fragile.  This time round they would drive a harder bargain.  They would not be so naive. Dave Cameron would say to his MPs that to ditch him then would be foolish.  A new, untested leader would be a mistake in those circumstances.

Dave Cameron is the one with the big problem.  Perhaps the biggest problem for him is that the loyalty of his friends is not guaranteed.  The Tory party is a ruthless party.



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