Pre Christmas Blues

Posted by on December 20, 2014 in Christmas |

What is it about this time of year that brings on the Christmas Blues?


So, a few days until Christmas and we are hosting her sister and boy friend and her nephew.  All good people.  Even so I am feeling the onset of the Christmas blues.  What is it about this time of year?

It is not just that I am working up to and including Christmas Eve, although that does not help.  It is not the tension of having to cook the main meal and worrying about the comments as I have refused to do the cooking this year.

The fact is that I love Christmas, or always have done until the last few years.  There is the inevitable argument about the size of the tree, the decorations, what we are to be cooked etc.

Then there is the disappointment of the gifts, not the ones I get but the reception of the presents I buy.  How many times have I bought beautiful jewellery for it never see the light of day?

If I had a button that would cancel Christmas, would I push it?  Dunno.


christmas cancelled question


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