Quit Smoking? Me?

Posted by mail@phil-stuff.com on May 21, 2015 in Quit Smoking |

I am going to quit smoking, honest!


I have been smoking for 40 some years and smoke 40 a day.  Not a reason to celebrate.  Recently a friend was diagnosed with lung cancer and that has helped to focus my mind.

So, on Saturday (well, midnight Friday) I will quit smoking.

In the past I have tried, several times.  However, this time it feels different.  For one thing I am telling people.  I have set up a savings spreadsheet to see how much I was wasting.  I have an electronic cigarette to give me no excuse to buy another packet.  (I don’t mind the nicotine so much as the gases and tar).  I have nicotine suppressant drugs that should help wean me off all nicotine.  It is a 12 week course of the drug so I hope to see my use of the e-cig decrease over time after I quit smoking.

What am I looking forward to when I quit smoking?  Not coughing in the morning, my first thought when I get up not being where are my fags but what shall I have for breakfast, being able to fill my lungs, deeply, when I breath in.  That kind of thing.


I will keep this blog up dated with my progress when I quit smoking.


Oh, yes, I think I will succeed, if nothing else I really, I mean really, do not want to have to write the “Quit Smoking? I Failed” blog………….


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